

get a kick out of 喜びを感じる、刺激を受ける

get a kick out of 喜びを感じる、刺激を受ける


Here are two things that I get a kick out of in my life.

Firstly, I get a kick of traveling around the world in my life.
I like to visit World Heritage historical cities, historical temples,
such as Teotihuacan, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China,
and so on. When I was a child, I always enjoyed reading history
text books and imagined “as if” I traveled to those heritage sites.
I still haven’t seen some sightseeing spots (Machu Picchu,
Moscow Kremlin, and the palace of Versailles) I admired in my
Secondly, I get a kick of watching movies in my life.
Especially, I prefer historical movies and political movies. For
example: I liked “Post”, “ Darkest Hour”, and "Sully". I frequently go
to a movie theater, but I can’t understood the movies without subtitles. I hope I can understand the movies without subtitles in the near future.



“Post”  ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ/最高機密文書

"Darkest Hour"  ウィンストン・チャーチル/ヒトラーから世界を救った男

"Sully"   ハドソン川の奇跡
